-what’s good?
come marinate with me in the delicious,
wrapped in words and pictures.
-What’s good?
Is the most frequent question that pops into my mind.
and tints my days.
This space is a container for the answers.
i collect stories from travels. work. Ideas. and stylish pieces.
the loudest flower bush.
Spotted during one of the 300 days of sunshine in ericeira, portugal
a door I loved.
somewhere on the streets of barcelona.
I am A fidget. Lucky to be working remotely. travelling and journalling.
healthy cabbage growing
in A cafe garden, stockholm
<good?> finds
shy turquoise skies
burton road, manchester, uk
lunch time walk on a beach in olbia, sardinia
-what's good?
-what's good?
the person behind the
<good?> stories
i wake up every morning, asking myself…
<-what’s good?>
I find life delicious.
and seek treats everywhere.
There is a predisposition inside of me that operates like I were on a quest. A positive bias of sorts. an “Evidence-Based Optimism”.
while i tend to leave The worse case scenario for the news, the critics, academics, security professionals and my mum - i readily acknowledge Complexity and Nuance are essential ingredients into any experience or thought.
My name is mila. I was born in bulgaria more than 30 years ago. after finishing school I moved to northern england and lived there all of my twenties.
i studied marketing and worked in house for tech companies as big as visa and as local as conferma. after a decade of employment I started to consult, writing copy and helping with business strategy.
I am now a freelance fidget. travelling to the places I always wanted to visit but never had the time or budget.
-what’s good? is my container.
welcome to a space where I curate the good stuff I encounter as i go. a place to reflect and share.
I would love to learn about your <good?>